"""High-level interface to Interactive Brokers."""
import asyncio
import copy
import datetime
import logging
import time
from typing import Awaitable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Union
from eventkit import Event
import ib_insync.util as util
from ib_insync.client import Client
from ib_insync.contract import Contract, ContractDescription, ContractDetails
from ib_insync.objects import (
AccountValue, BarDataList, DepthMktDataDescription, Execution,
ExecutionFilter, Fill, HistogramData, HistoricalNews, HistoricalSchedule,
NewsArticle, NewsBulletin, NewsProvider, NewsTick, OptionChain,
OptionComputation, PnL, PnLSingle, PortfolioItem, Position, PriceIncrement,
RealTimeBarList, ScanDataList, ScannerSubscription, SmartComponent,
TagValue, TradeLogEntry, WshEventData)
from ib_insync.order import (
BracketOrder, LimitOrder, Order, OrderState, OrderStatus, StopOrder, Trade)
from ib_insync.ticker import Ticker
from ib_insync.wrapper import Wrapper
class IB:
Provides both a blocking and an asynchronous interface
to the IB API, using asyncio networking and event loop.
The IB class offers direct access to the current state, such as
orders, executions, positions, tickers etc. This state is
automatically kept in sync with the TWS/IBG application.
This class has most request methods of EClient, with the
same names and parameters (except for the reqId parameter
which is not needed anymore).
Request methods that return a result come in two versions:
* Blocking: Will block until complete and return the result.
The current state will be kept updated while the request is ongoing;
* Asynchronous: All methods that have the "Async" postfix.
Implemented as coroutines or methods that return a Future and
intended for advanced users.
**The One Rule:**
While some of the request methods are blocking from the perspective
of the user, the framework will still keep spinning in the background
and handle all messages received from TWS/IBG. It is important to
not block the framework from doing its work. If, for example,
the user code spends much time in a calculation, or uses time.sleep()
with a long delay, the framework will stop spinning, messages
accumulate and things may go awry.
The one rule when working with the IB class is therefore that
**user code may not block for too long**.
To be clear, the IB request methods are okay to use and do not
count towards the user operation time, no matter how long the
request takes to finish.
So what is "too long"? That depends on the situation. If, for example,
the timestamp of tick data is to remain accurate within a millisecond,
then the user code must not spend longer than a millisecond. If, on
the other extreme, there is very little incoming data and there
is no desire for accurate timestamps, then the user code can block
for hours.
If a user operation takes a long time then it can be farmed out
to a different process.
Alternatively the operation can be made such that it periodically
calls IB.sleep(0); This will let the framework handle any pending
work and return when finished. The operation should be aware
that the current state may have been updated during the sleep(0) call.
For introducing a delay, never use time.sleep() but use
:meth:`.sleep` instead.
RequestTimeout (float): Timeout (in seconds) to wait for a
blocking request to finish before raising ``asyncio.TimeoutError``.
The default value of 0 will wait indefinitely.
Note: This timeout is not used for the ``*Async`` methods.
RaiseRequestErrors (bool):
Specifies the behaviour when certain API requests fail:
* :data:`False`: Silently return an empty result;
* :data:`True`: Raise a :class:`.RequestError`.
MaxSyncedSubAccounts (int): Do not use sub-account updates
if the number of sub-accounts exceeds this number (50 by default).
TimezoneTWS (str): Specifies what timezone TWS (or gateway)
is using. The default is to assume local system timezone.
* ``connectedEvent`` ():
Is emitted after connecting and synchronzing with TWS/gateway.
* ``disconnectedEvent`` ():
Is emitted after disconnecting from TWS/gateway.
* ``updateEvent`` ():
Is emitted after a network packet has been handeled.
* ``pendingTickersEvent`` (tickers: Set[:class:`.Ticker`]):
Emits the set of tickers that have been updated during the last
update and for which there are new ticks, tickByTicks or domTicks.
* ``barUpdateEvent`` (bars: :class:`.BarDataList`,
hasNewBar: bool): Emits the bar list that has been updated in
real time. If a new bar has been added then hasNewBar is True,
when the last bar has changed it is False.
* ``newOrderEvent`` (trade: :class:`.Trade`):
Emits a newly placed trade.
* ``orderModifyEvent`` (trade: :class:`.Trade`):
Emits when order is modified.
* ``cancelOrderEvent`` (trade: :class:`.Trade`):
Emits a trade directly after requesting for it to be cancelled.
* ``openOrderEvent`` (trade: :class:`.Trade`):
Emits the trade with open order.
* ``orderStatusEvent`` (trade: :class:`.Trade`):
Emits the changed order status of the ongoing trade.
* ``execDetailsEvent`` (trade: :class:`.Trade`, fill: :class:`.Fill`):
Emits the fill together with the ongoing trade it belongs to.
* ``commissionReportEvent`` (trade: :class:`.Trade`,
fill: :class:`.Fill`, report: :class:`.CommissionReport`):
The commission report is emitted after the fill that it belongs to.
* ``updatePortfolioEvent`` (item: :class:`.PortfolioItem`):
A portfolio item has changed.
* ``positionEvent`` (position: :class:`.Position`):
A position has changed.
* ``accountValueEvent`` (value: :class:`.AccountValue`):
An account value has changed.
* ``accountSummaryEvent`` (value: :class:`.AccountValue`):
An account value has changed.
* ``pnlEvent`` (entry: :class:`.PnL`):
A profit- and loss entry is updated.
* ``pnlSingleEvent`` (entry: :class:`.PnLSingle`):
A profit- and loss entry for a single position is updated.
* ``tickNewsEvent`` (news: :class:`.NewsTick`):
Emit a new news headline.
* ``newsBulletinEvent`` (bulletin: :class:`.NewsBulletin`):
Emit a new news bulletin.
* ``scannerDataEvent`` (data: :class:`.ScanDataList`):
Emit data from a scanner subscription.
* ``wshMetaEvent`` (dataJson: str):
Emit WSH metadata.
* ``wshEvent`` (dataJson: str):
Emit WSH event data (such as earnings dates, dividend dates,
options expiration dates, splits, spinoffs and conferences).
* ``errorEvent`` (reqId: int, errorCode: int, errorString: str,
contract: :class:`.Contract`):
Emits the reqId/orderId and TWS error code and string (see
together with the contract the error applies to (or None if no
contract applies).
* ``timeoutEvent`` (idlePeriod: float):
Is emitted if no data is received for longer than the timeout period
specified with :meth:`.setTimeout`. The value emitted is the period
in seconds since the last update.
Note that it is not advisable to place new requests inside an event
handler as it may lead to too much recursion.
events = (
'connectedEvent', 'disconnectedEvent', 'updateEvent',
'pendingTickersEvent', 'barUpdateEvent',
'newOrderEvent', 'orderModifyEvent', 'cancelOrderEvent',
'openOrderEvent', 'orderStatusEvent',
'execDetailsEvent', 'commissionReportEvent',
'updatePortfolioEvent', 'positionEvent', 'accountValueEvent',
'accountSummaryEvent', 'pnlEvent', 'pnlSingleEvent',
'scannerDataEvent', 'tickNewsEvent', 'newsBulletinEvent',
'wshMetaEvent', 'wshEvent',
'errorEvent', 'timeoutEvent')
RequestTimeout: float = 0
RaiseRequestErrors: bool = False
MaxSyncedSubAccounts: int = 50
TimezoneTWS: str = ''
def __init__(self):
self.wrapper = Wrapper(self)
self.client = Client(self.wrapper)
self.errorEvent += self._onError
self.client.apiEnd += self.disconnectedEvent
self._logger = logging.getLogger('ib_insync.ib')
def _createEvents(self):
self.connectedEvent = Event('connectedEvent')
self.disconnectedEvent = Event('disconnectedEvent')
self.updateEvent = Event('updateEvent')
self.pendingTickersEvent = Event('pendingTickersEvent')
self.barUpdateEvent = Event('barUpdateEvent')
self.newOrderEvent = Event('newOrderEvent')
self.orderModifyEvent = Event('orderModifyEvent')
self.cancelOrderEvent = Event('cancelOrderEvent')
self.openOrderEvent = Event('openOrderEvent')
self.orderStatusEvent = Event('orderStatusEvent')
self.execDetailsEvent = Event('execDetailsEvent')
self.commissionReportEvent = Event('commissionReportEvent')
self.updatePortfolioEvent = Event('updatePortfolioEvent')
self.positionEvent = Event('positionEvent')
self.accountValueEvent = Event('accountValueEvent')
self.accountSummaryEvent = Event('accountSummaryEvent')
self.pnlEvent = Event('pnlEvent')
self.pnlSingleEvent = Event('pnlSingleEvent')
self.scannerDataEvent = Event('scannerDataEvent')
self.tickNewsEvent = Event('tickNewsEvent')
self.newsBulletinEvent = Event('newsBulletinEvent')
self.wshMetaEvent = Event('wshMetaEvent')
self.wshEvent = Event('wshEvent')
self.errorEvent = Event('errorEvent')
self.timeoutEvent = Event('timeoutEvent')
def __del__(self):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *_exc):
def __repr__(self):
conn = (f'connected to {self.client.host}:'
f'{self.client.port} clientId={self.client.clientId}' if
self.client.isConnected() else 'not connected')
return f'<{self.__class__.__qualname__} {conn}>'
def connect(
self, host: str = '', port: int = 7497, clientId: int = 1,
timeout: float = 4, readonly: bool = False, account: str = '',
raiseSyncErrors: bool = False):
Connect to a running TWS or IB gateway application.
After the connection is made the client is fully synchronized
and ready to serve requests.
This method is blocking.
host: Host name or IP address.
port: Port number.
clientId: ID number to use for this client; must be unique per
connection. Setting clientId=0 will automatically merge manual
TWS trading with this client.
timeout: If establishing the connection takes longer than
``timeout`` seconds then the ``asyncio.TimeoutError`` exception
is raised. Set to 0 to disable timeout.
readonly: Set to ``True`` when API is in read-only mode.
account: Main account to receive updates for.
raiseSyncErrors: When ``True`` this will cause an initial
sync request error to raise a `ConnectionError``.
When ``False`` the error will only be logged at error level.
return self._run(self.connectAsync(
host, port, clientId, timeout, readonly, account,
def disconnect(self):
Disconnect from a TWS or IB gateway application.
This will clear all session state.
if not self.client.isConnected():
stats = self.client.connectionStats()
f'Disconnecting from {self.client.host}:{self.client.port}, '
f'{util.formatSI(stats.numBytesSent)}B sent '
f'in {stats.numMsgSent} messages, '
f'{util.formatSI(stats.numBytesRecv)}B received '
f'in {stats.numMsgRecv} messages, '
f'session time {util.formatSI(stats.duration)}s.')
def isConnected(self) -> bool:
"""Is there an API connection to TWS or IB gateway?"""
return self.client.isReady()
def _onError(self, reqId, errorCode, errorString, contract):
if errorCode == 1102:
# "Connectivity between IB and Trader Workstation has been
# restored": Resubscribe to account summary.
run = staticmethod(util.run)
schedule = staticmethod(util.schedule)
sleep = staticmethod(util.sleep)
timeRange = staticmethod(util.timeRange)
timeRangeAsync = staticmethod(util.timeRangeAsync)
waitUntil = staticmethod(util.waitUntil)
def _run(self, *awaitables: Awaitable):
return util.run(*awaitables, timeout=self.RequestTimeout)
def waitOnUpdate(self, timeout: float = 0) -> bool:
Wait on any new update to arrive from the network.
timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait.
If 0 then no timeout is used.
.. note::
A loop with ``waitOnUpdate`` should not be used to harvest
tick data from tickers, since some ticks can go missing.
This happens when multiple updates occur almost simultaneously;
The ticks from the first update are then cleared.
Use events instead to prevent this.
``True`` if not timed-out, ``False`` otherwise.
if timeout:
util.run(asyncio.wait_for(self.updateEvent, timeout))
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
return False
return True
def loopUntil(
self, condition=None, timeout: float = 0) -> Iterator[object]:
Iterate until condition is met, with optional timeout in seconds.
The yielded value is that of the condition or False when timed out.
condition: Predicate function that is tested after every network
timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait.
If 0 then no timeout is used.
endTime = time.time() + timeout
while True:
test = condition and condition()
if test:
yield test
elif timeout and time.time() > endTime:
yield False
yield test
self.waitOnUpdate(endTime - time.time() if timeout else 0)
def setTimeout(self, timeout: float = 60):
Set a timeout for receiving messages from TWS/IBG, emitting
``timeoutEvent`` if there is no incoming data for too long.
The timeout fires once per connected session but can be set again
after firing or after a reconnect.
timeout: Timeout in seconds.
def managedAccounts(self) -> List[str]:
"""List of account names."""
return list(self.wrapper.accounts)
def accountValues(self, account: str = '') -> List[AccountValue]:
List of account values for the given account,
or of all accounts if account is left blank.
account: If specified, filter for this account name.
if account:
return [v for v in self.wrapper.accountValues.values()
if v.account == account]
return list(self.wrapper.accountValues.values())
def accountSummary(self, account: str = '') -> List[AccountValue]:
List of account values for the given account,
or of all accounts if account is left blank.
This method is blocking on first run, non-blocking after that.
account: If specified, filter for this account name.
return self._run(self.accountSummaryAsync(account))
def portfolio(self, account: str = '') -> List[PortfolioItem]:
List of portfolio items for the given account,
or of all retrieved portfolio items if account is left blank.
account: If specified, filter for this account name.
if account:
return list(self.wrapper.portfolio[account].values())
return [v for d in self.wrapper.portfolio.values()
for v in d.values()]
def positions(self, account: str = '') -> List[Position]:
List of positions for the given account,
or of all accounts if account is left blank.
account: If specified, filter for this account name.
if account:
return list(self.wrapper.positions[account].values())
return [v for d in self.wrapper.positions.values()
for v in d.values()]
def pnl(self, account='', modelCode='') -> List[PnL]:
List of subscribed :class:`.PnL` objects (profit and loss),
optionally filtered by account and/or modelCode.
The :class:`.PnL` objects are kept live updated.
account: If specified, filter for this account name.
modelCode: If specified, filter for this account model.
return [v for v in self.wrapper.reqId2PnL.values() if
(not account or v.account == account)
and (not modelCode or v.modelCode == modelCode)]
def pnlSingle(
self, account: str = '', modelCode: str = '',
conId: int = 0) -> List[PnLSingle]:
List of subscribed :class:`.PnLSingle` objects (profit and loss for
single positions).
The :class:`.PnLSingle` objects are kept live updated.
account: If specified, filter for this account name.
modelCode: If specified, filter for this account model.
conId: If specified, filter for this contract ID.
return [v for v in self.wrapper.reqId2PnlSingle.values() if
(not account or v.account == account)
and (not modelCode or v.modelCode == modelCode)
and (not conId or v.conId == conId)]
def trades(self) -> List[Trade]:
"""List of all order trades from this session."""
return list(self.wrapper.trades.values())
def openTrades(self) -> List[Trade]:
"""List of all open order trades."""
return [v for v in self.wrapper.trades.values()
if v.orderStatus.status not in OrderStatus.DoneStates]
def orders(self) -> List[Order]:
"""List of all orders from this session."""
return list(
trade.order for trade in self.wrapper.trades.values())
def openOrders(self) -> List[Order]:
"""List of all open orders."""
return [trade.order for trade in self.wrapper.trades.values()
if trade.orderStatus.status not in OrderStatus.DoneStates]
def fills(self) -> List[Fill]:
"""List of all fills from this session."""
return list(self.wrapper.fills.values())
def executions(self) -> List[Execution]:
"""List of all executions from this session."""
return list(fill.execution for fill in self.wrapper.fills.values())
def ticker(self, contract: Contract) -> Optional[Ticker]:
Get ticker of the given contract. It must have been requested before
with reqMktData with the same contract object. The ticker may not be
ready yet if called directly after :meth:`.reqMktData`.
contract: Contract to get ticker for.
return self.wrapper.tickers.get(id(contract))
def tickers(self) -> List[Ticker]:
"""Get a list of all tickers."""
return list(self.wrapper.tickers.values())
def pendingTickers(self) -> List[Ticker]:
"""Get a list of all tickers that have pending ticks or domTicks."""
return list(self.wrapper.pendingTickers)
def realtimeBars(self) -> List[Union[BarDataList, RealTimeBarList]]:
Get a list of all live updated bars. These can be 5 second realtime
bars or live updated historical bars.
return list(self.wrapper.reqId2Subscriber.values())
def newsTicks(self) -> List[NewsTick]:
List of ticks with headline news.
The article itself can be retrieved with :meth:`.reqNewsArticle`.
return self.wrapper.newsTicks
def newsBulletins(self) -> List[NewsBulletin]:
"""List of IB news bulletins."""
return list(self.wrapper.msgId2NewsBulletin.values())
def reqTickers(
self, *contracts: Contract,
regulatorySnapshot: bool = False) -> List[Ticker]:
Request and return a list of snapshot tickers.
The list is returned when all tickers are ready.
This method is blocking.
contracts: Contracts to get tickers for.
regulatorySnapshot: Request NBBO snapshots (may incur a fee).
return self._run(
*contracts, regulatorySnapshot=regulatorySnapshot))
def qualifyContracts(self, *contracts: Contract) -> List[Contract]:
Fully qualify the given contracts in-place. This will fill in
the missing fields in the contract, especially the conId.
Returns a list of contracts that have been successfully qualified.
This method is blocking.
contracts: Contracts to qualify.
return self._run(self.qualifyContractsAsync(*contracts))
def bracketOrder(
self, action: str, quantity: float,
limitPrice: float, takeProfitPrice: float,
stopLossPrice: float, **kwargs) -> BracketOrder:
Create a limit order that is bracketed by a take-profit order and
a stop-loss order. Submit the bracket like:
.. code-block:: python
for o in bracket:
ib.placeOrder(contract, o)
action: 'BUY' or 'SELL'.
quantity: Size of order.
limitPrice: Limit price of entry order.
takeProfitPrice: Limit price of profit order.
stopLossPrice: Stop price of loss order.
assert action in ('BUY', 'SELL')
reverseAction = 'BUY' if action == 'SELL' else 'SELL'
parent = LimitOrder(
action, quantity, limitPrice,
takeProfit = LimitOrder(
reverseAction, quantity, takeProfitPrice,
stopLoss = StopOrder(
reverseAction, quantity, stopLossPrice,
return BracketOrder(parent, takeProfit, stopLoss)
def oneCancelsAll(
orders: List[Order], ocaGroup: str, ocaType: int) -> List[Order]:
Place the trades in the same One Cancels All (OCA) group.
orders: The orders that are to be placed together.
for o in orders:
o.ocaGroup = ocaGroup
o.ocaType = ocaType
return orders
def whatIfOrder(self, contract: Contract, order: Order) -> OrderState:
Retrieve commission and margin impact without actually
placing the order. The given order will not be modified in any way.
This method is blocking.
contract: Contract to test.
order: Order to test.
return self._run(self.whatIfOrderAsync(contract, order))
def placeOrder(self, contract: Contract, order: Order) -> Trade:
Place a new order or modify an existing order.
Returns a Trade that is kept live updated with
status changes, fills, etc.
contract: Contract to use for order.
order: The order to be placed.
orderId = order.orderId or self.client.getReqId()
self.client.placeOrder(orderId, contract, order)
now = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
key = self.wrapper.orderKey(
self.wrapper.clientId, orderId, order.permId)
trade = self.wrapper.trades.get(key)
if trade:
# this is a modification of an existing order
assert trade.orderStatus.status not in OrderStatus.DoneStates
logEntry = TradeLogEntry(now, trade.orderStatus.status, 'Modify')
self._logger.info(f'placeOrder: Modify order {trade}')
# this is a new order
order.clientId = self.wrapper.clientId
order.orderId = orderId
orderStatus = OrderStatus(
orderId=orderId, status=OrderStatus.PendingSubmit)
logEntry = TradeLogEntry(now, orderStatus.status)
trade = Trade(contract, order, orderStatus, [], [logEntry])
self.wrapper.trades[key] = trade
self._logger.info(f'placeOrder: New order {trade}')
return trade
def cancelOrder(self, order: Order, manualCancelOrderTime: str = '') \
-> Optional[Trade]:
Cancel the order and return the Trade it belongs to.
order: The order to be canceled.
manualCancelOrderTime: For audit trail.
self.client.cancelOrder(order.orderId, manualCancelOrderTime)
now = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
key = self.wrapper.orderKey(
order.clientId, order.orderId, order.permId)
trade = self.wrapper.trades.get(key)
if trade:
if not trade.isDone():
status = trade.orderStatus.status
if (status == OrderStatus.PendingSubmit and not order.transmit
or status == OrderStatus.Inactive):
newStatus = OrderStatus.Cancelled
newStatus = OrderStatus.PendingCancel
logEntry = TradeLogEntry(now, newStatus)
trade.orderStatus.status = newStatus
self._logger.info(f'cancelOrder: {trade}')
if newStatus == OrderStatus.Cancelled:
self._logger.error(f'cancelOrder: Unknown orderId {order.orderId}')
return trade
def reqGlobalCancel(self):
Cancel all active trades including those placed by other
clients or TWS/IB gateway.
def reqCurrentTime(self) -> datetime.datetime:
Request TWS current time.
This method is blocking.
return self._run(self.reqCurrentTimeAsync())
def reqAccountUpdates(self, account: str = ''):
This is called at startup - no need to call again.
Request account and portfolio values of the account
and keep updated. Returns when both account values and portfolio
are filled.
This method is blocking.
account: If specified, filter for this account name.
def reqAccountUpdatesMulti(
self, account: str = '', modelCode: str = ''):
It is recommended to use :meth:`.accountValues` instead.
Request account values of multiple accounts and keep updated.
This method is blocking.
account: If specified, filter for this account name.
modelCode: If specified, filter for this account model.
self._run(self.reqAccountUpdatesMultiAsync(account, modelCode))
def reqAccountSummary(self):
It is recommended to use :meth:`.accountSummary` instead.
Request account values for all accounts and keep them updated.
Returns when account summary is filled.
This method is blocking.
def reqAutoOpenOrders(self, autoBind: bool = True):
Bind manual TWS orders so that they can be managed from this client.
The clientId must be 0 and the TWS API setting "Use negative numbers
to bind automatic orders" must be checked.
This request is automatically called when clientId=0.
autoBind: Set binding on or off.
def reqOpenOrders(self) -> List[Trade]:
Request and return a list of open orders.
This method can give stale information where a new open order is not
reported or an already filled or cancelled order is reported as open.
It is recommended to use the more reliable and much faster
:meth:`.openTrades` or :meth:`.openOrders` methods instead.
This method is blocking.
return self._run(self.reqOpenOrdersAsync())
def reqAllOpenOrders(self) -> List[Trade]:
Request and return a list of all open orders over all clients.
Note that the orders of other clients will not be kept in sync,
use the master clientId mechanism instead to see other
client's orders that are kept in sync.
return self._run(self.reqAllOpenOrdersAsync())
def reqCompletedOrders(self, apiOnly: bool) -> List[Trade]:
Request and return a list of completed trades.
apiOnly: Request only API orders (not manually placed TWS orders).
return self._run(self.reqCompletedOrdersAsync(apiOnly))
def reqExecutions(
self, execFilter: Optional[ExecutionFilter] = None) -> List[Fill]:
It is recommended to use :meth:`.fills` or
:meth:`.executions` instead.
Request and return a list of fills.
This method is blocking.
execFilter: If specified, return executions that match the filter.
return self._run(self.reqExecutionsAsync(execFilter))
def reqPositions(self) -> List[Position]:
It is recommended to use :meth:`.positions` instead.
Request and return a list of positions for all accounts.
This method is blocking.
return self._run(self.reqPositionsAsync())
def reqPnL(self, account: str, modelCode: str = '') -> PnL:
Start a subscription for profit and loss events.
Returns a :class:`.PnL` object that is kept live updated.
The result can also be queried from :meth:`.pnl`.
account: Subscribe to this account.
modelCode: If specified, filter for this account model.
key = (account, modelCode)
assert key not in self.wrapper.pnlKey2ReqId
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
self.wrapper.pnlKey2ReqId[key] = reqId
pnl = PnL(account, modelCode)
self.wrapper.reqId2PnL[reqId] = pnl
self.client.reqPnL(reqId, account, modelCode)
return pnl
def cancelPnL(self, account, modelCode: str = ''):
Cancel PnL subscription.
account: Cancel for this account.
modelCode: If specified, cancel for this account model.
key = (account, modelCode)
reqId = self.wrapper.pnlKey2ReqId.pop(key, None)
if reqId:
self.wrapper.reqId2PnL.pop(reqId, None)
'cancelPnL: No subscription for '
f'account {account}, modelCode {modelCode}')
def reqPnLSingle(
self, account: str, modelCode: str, conId: int) -> PnLSingle:
Start a subscription for profit and loss events for single positions.
Returns a :class:`.PnLSingle` object that is kept live updated.
The result can also be queried from :meth:`.pnlSingle`.
account: Subscribe to this account.
modelCode: Filter for this account model.
conId: Filter for this contract ID.
key = (account, modelCode, conId)
assert key not in self.wrapper.pnlSingleKey2ReqId
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
self.wrapper.pnlSingleKey2ReqId[key] = reqId
pnlSingle = PnLSingle(account, modelCode, conId)
self.wrapper.reqId2PnlSingle[reqId] = pnlSingle
self.client.reqPnLSingle(reqId, account, modelCode, conId)
return pnlSingle
def cancelPnLSingle(
self, account: str, modelCode: str, conId: int):
Cancel PnLSingle subscription for the given account, modelCode
and conId.
account: Cancel for this account name.
modelCode: Cancel for this account model.
conId: Cancel for this contract ID.
key = (account, modelCode, conId)
reqId = self.wrapper.pnlSingleKey2ReqId.pop(key, None)
if reqId:
self.wrapper.reqId2PnlSingle.pop(reqId, None)
'cancelPnLSingle: No subscription for '
f'account {account}, modelCode {modelCode}, conId {conId}')
def reqContractDetails(self, contract: Contract) -> List[ContractDetails]:
Get a list of contract details that match the given contract.
If the returned list is empty then the contract is not known;
If the list has multiple values then the contract is ambiguous.
The fully qualified contract is available in the the
ContractDetails.contract attribute.
This method is blocking.
contract: The contract to get details for.
return self._run(self.reqContractDetailsAsync(contract))
def reqMatchingSymbols(self, pattern: str) -> List[ContractDescription]:
Request contract descriptions of contracts that match a pattern.
This method is blocking.
pattern: The first few letters of the ticker symbol, or for
longer strings a character sequence matching a word in
the security name.
return self._run(self.reqMatchingSymbolsAsync(pattern))
def reqMarketRule(self, marketRuleId: int) -> PriceIncrement:
Request price increments rule.
marketRuleId: ID of market rule.
The market rule IDs for a contract can be obtained
via :meth:`.reqContractDetails` from
which contains a comma separated string of market rule IDs.
return self._run(self.reqMarketRuleAsync(marketRuleId))
def reqRealTimeBars(
self, contract: Contract, barSize: int,
whatToShow: str, useRTH: bool,
realTimeBarsOptions: List[TagValue] = []) -> RealTimeBarList:
Request realtime 5 second bars.
contract: Contract of interest.
barSize: Must be 5.
whatToShow: Specifies the source for constructing bars.
Can be 'TRADES', 'MIDPOINT', 'BID' or 'ASK'.
useRTH: If True then only show data from within Regular
Trading Hours, if False then show all data.
realTimeBarsOptions: Unknown.
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
bars = RealTimeBarList()
bars.reqId = reqId
bars.contract = contract
bars.barSize = barSize
bars.whatToShow = whatToShow
bars.useRTH = useRTH
bars.realTimeBarsOptions = realTimeBarsOptions or []
self.wrapper.startSubscription(reqId, bars, contract)
reqId, contract, barSize, whatToShow, useRTH, realTimeBarsOptions)
return bars
def cancelRealTimeBars(self, bars: RealTimeBarList):
Cancel the realtime bars subscription.
bars: The bar list that was obtained from ``reqRealTimeBars``.
def reqHistoricalData(
self, contract: Contract,
endDateTime: Union[datetime.datetime, datetime.date, str, None],
durationStr: str, barSizeSetting: str, whatToShow: str,
useRTH: bool, formatDate: int = 1, keepUpToDate: bool = False,
chartOptions: List[TagValue] = [], timeout: float = 60) \
-> BarDataList:
Request historical bar data.
This method is blocking.
contract: Contract of interest.
endDateTime: Can be set to '' to indicate the current time,
or it can be given as a datetime.date or datetime.datetime,
or it can be given as a string in 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss' format.
If no timezone is given then the TWS login timezone is used.
durationStr: Time span of all the bars. Examples:
'60 S', '30 D', '13 W', '6 M', '10 Y'.
barSizeSetting: Time period of one bar. Must be one of:
'1 secs', '5 secs', '10 secs' 15 secs', '30 secs',
'1 min', '2 mins', '3 mins', '5 mins', '10 mins', '15 mins',
'20 mins', '30 mins',
'1 hour', '2 hours', '3 hours', '4 hours', '8 hours',
'1 day', '1 week', '1 month'.
whatToShow: Specifies the source for constructing bars.
Must be one of:
For 'SCHEDULE' use :meth:`.reqHistoricalSchedule`.
useRTH: If True then only show data from within Regular
Trading Hours, if False then show all data.
formatDate: For an intraday request setting to 2 will cause
the returned date fields to be timezone-aware
datetime.datetime with UTC timezone, instead of local timezone
as used by TWS.
keepUpToDate: If True then a realtime subscription is started
to keep the bars updated; ``endDateTime`` must be set
empty ('') then.
chartOptions: Unknown.
timeout: Timeout in seconds after which to cancel the request
and return an empty bar series. Set to ``0`` to wait
return self._run(
contract, endDateTime, durationStr, barSizeSetting, whatToShow,
useRTH, formatDate, keepUpToDate, chartOptions, timeout))
def cancelHistoricalData(self, bars: BarDataList):
Cancel the update subscription for the historical bars.
bars: The bar list that was obtained from ``reqHistoricalData``
with a keepUpToDate subscription.
def reqHistoricalSchedule(
self, contract: Contract, numDays: int,
endDateTime: Union[
datetime.datetime, datetime.date, str, None] = '',
useRTH: bool = True) -> HistoricalSchedule:
Request historical schedule.
This method is blocking.
contract: Contract of interest.
numDays: Number of days.
endDateTime: Can be set to '' to indicate the current time,
or it can be given as a datetime.date or datetime.datetime,
or it can be given as a string in 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss' format.
If no timezone is given then the TWS login timezone is used.
useRTH: If True then show schedule for Regular Trading Hours,
if False then for extended hours.
return self._run(self.reqHistoricalScheduleAsync(
contract, numDays, endDateTime, useRTH))
def reqHistoricalTicks(
self, contract: Contract,
startDateTime: Union[str, datetime.date],
endDateTime: Union[str, datetime.date],
numberOfTicks: int, whatToShow: str, useRth: bool,
ignoreSize: bool = False,
miscOptions: List[TagValue] = []) -> List:
Request historical ticks. The time resolution of the ticks
is one second.
This method is blocking.
contract: Contract to query.
startDateTime: Can be given as a datetime.date or
datetime.datetime, or it can be given as a string in
'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss' format.
If no timezone is given then the TWS login timezone is used.
endDateTime: One of ``startDateTime`` or ``endDateTime`` can
be given, the other must be blank.
numberOfTicks: Number of ticks to request (1000 max). The actual
result can contain a bit more to accommodate all ticks in
the latest second.
whatToShow: One of 'Bid_Ask', 'Midpoint' or 'Trades'.
useRTH: If True then only show data from within Regular
Trading Hours, if False then show all data.
ignoreSize: Ignore bid/ask ticks that only update the size.
miscOptions: Unknown.
return self._run(
contract, startDateTime, endDateTime, numberOfTicks,
whatToShow, useRth, ignoreSize, miscOptions))
def reqMarketDataType(self, marketDataType: int):
Set the market data type used for :meth:`.reqMktData`.
marketDataType: One of:
* 1 = Live
* 2 = Frozen
* 3 = Delayed
* 4 = Delayed frozen
def reqHeadTimeStamp(
self, contract: Contract, whatToShow: str,
useRTH: bool, formatDate: int = 1) -> datetime.datetime:
Get the datetime of earliest available historical data
for the contract.
contract: Contract of interest.
useRTH: If True then only show data from within Regular
Trading Hours, if False then show all data.
formatDate: If set to 2 then the result is returned as a
timezone-aware datetime.datetime with UTC timezone.
return self._run(
contract, whatToShow, useRTH, formatDate))
def reqMktData(
self, contract: Contract, genericTickList: str = '',
snapshot: bool = False, regulatorySnapshot: bool = False,
mktDataOptions: List[TagValue] = []) -> Ticker:
Subscribe to tick data or request a snapshot.
Returns the Ticker that holds the market data. The ticker will
initially be empty and gradually (after a couple of seconds)
be filled.
contract: Contract of interest.
genericTickList: Comma separated IDs of desired
generic ticks that will cause corresponding Ticker fields
to be filled:
===== ================================================
ID Ticker fields
===== ================================================
100 ``putVolume``, ``callVolume`` (for options)
101 ``putOpenInterest``, ``callOpenInterest`` (for options)
104 ``histVolatility`` (for options)
105 ``avOptionVolume`` (for options)
106 ``impliedVolatility`` (for options)
162 ``indexFuturePremium``
165 ``low13week``, ``high13week``, ``low26week``,
``high26week``, ``low52week``, ``high52week``,
221 ``markPrice``
225 ``auctionVolume``, ``auctionPrice``,
233 ``last``, ``lastSize``, ``rtVolume``, ``rtTime``,
``vwap`` (Time & Sales)
236 ``shortableShares``
258 ``fundamentalRatios`` (of type
293 ``tradeCount``
294 ``tradeRate``
295 ``volumeRate``
375 ``rtTradeVolume``
411 ``rtHistVolatility``
456 ``dividends`` (of type
588 ``futuresOpenInterest``
===== ================================================
snapshot: If True then request a one-time snapshot, otherwise
subscribe to a stream of realtime tick data.
regulatorySnapshot: Request NBBO snapshot (may incur a fee).
mktDataOptions: Unknown
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
ticker = self.wrapper.startTicker(reqId, contract, 'mktData')
reqId, contract, genericTickList, snapshot,
regulatorySnapshot, mktDataOptions)
return ticker
def cancelMktData(self, contract: Contract):
Unsubscribe from realtime streaming tick data.
contract: The exact contract object that was used to
subscribe with.
ticker = self.ticker(contract)
reqId = self.wrapper.endTicker(ticker, 'mktData') if ticker else 0
if reqId:
'cancelMktData: ' f'No reqId found for contract {contract}')
def reqTickByTickData(
self, contract: Contract, tickType: str,
numberOfTicks: int = 0, ignoreSize: bool = False) -> Ticker:
Subscribe to tick-by-tick data and return the Ticker that
holds the ticks in ticker.tickByTicks.
contract: Contract of interest.
tickType: One of 'Last', 'AllLast', 'BidAsk' or 'MidPoint'.
numberOfTicks: Number of ticks or 0 for unlimited.
ignoreSize: Ignore bid/ask ticks that only update the size.
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
ticker = self.wrapper.startTicker(reqId, contract, tickType)
reqId, contract, tickType, numberOfTicks, ignoreSize)
return ticker
def cancelTickByTickData(self, contract: Contract, tickType: str):
Unsubscribe from tick-by-tick data
contract: The exact contract object that was used to
subscribe with.
ticker = self.ticker(contract)
reqId = self.wrapper.endTicker(ticker, tickType) if ticker else 0
if reqId:
f'cancelMktData: No reqId found for contract {contract}')
def reqSmartComponents(self, bboExchange: str) -> List[SmartComponent]:
Obtain mapping from single letter codes to exchange names.
Note: The exchanges must be open when using this request, otherwise an
empty list is returned.
return self._run(self.reqSmartComponentsAsync(bboExchange))
def reqMktDepthExchanges(self) -> List[DepthMktDataDescription]:
Get those exchanges that have have multiple market makers
(and have ticks returned with marketMaker info).
return self._run(self.reqMktDepthExchangesAsync())
def reqMktDepth(
self, contract: Contract, numRows: int = 5,
isSmartDepth: bool = False, mktDepthOptions=None) -> Ticker:
Subscribe to market depth data (a.k.a. DOM, L2 or order book).
contract: Contract of interest.
numRows: Number of depth level on each side of the order book
(5 max).
isSmartDepth: Consolidate the order book across exchanges.
mktDepthOptions: Unknown.
The Ticker that holds the market depth in ``ticker.domBids``
and ``ticker.domAsks`` and the list of MktDepthData in
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
ticker = self.wrapper.startTicker(reqId, contract, 'mktDepth')
reqId, contract, numRows, isSmartDepth, mktDepthOptions)
return ticker
def cancelMktDepth(self, contract: Contract, isSmartDepth=False):
Unsubscribe from market depth data.
contract: The exact contract object that was used to
subscribe with.
ticker = self.ticker(contract)
reqId = self.wrapper.endTicker(ticker, 'mktDepth') if ticker else 0
if ticker and reqId:
self.client.cancelMktDepth(reqId, isSmartDepth)
f'cancelMktDepth: No reqId found for contract {contract}')
def reqHistogramData(
self, contract: Contract,
useRTH: bool, period: str) -> List[HistogramData]:
Request histogram data.
This method is blocking.
contract: Contract to query.
useRTH: If True then only show data from within Regular
Trading Hours, if False then show all data.
period: Period of which data is being requested, for example
'3 days'.
return self._run(
self.reqHistogramDataAsync(contract, useRTH, period))
def reqFundamentalData(
self, contract: Contract, reportType: str,
fundamentalDataOptions: List[TagValue] = []) -> str:
Get fundamental data of a contract in XML format.
This method is blocking.
contract: Contract to query.
* 'ReportsFinSummary': Financial summary
* 'ReportsOwnership': Company's ownership
* 'ReportSnapshot': Company's financial overview
* 'ReportsFinStatements': Financial Statements
* 'RESC': Analyst Estimates
* 'CalendarReport': Company's calendar
fundamentalDataOptions: Unknown
return self._run(
contract, reportType, fundamentalDataOptions))
def reqScannerData(
self, subscription: ScannerSubscription,
scannerSubscriptionOptions: List[TagValue] = [],
scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions: List[TagValue] = []) \
-> ScanDataList:
Do a blocking market scan by starting a subscription and canceling it
after the initial list of results are in.
This method is blocking.
subscription: Basic filters.
scannerSubscriptionOptions: Unknown.
scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions: Advanced generic filters.
return self._run(
subscription, scannerSubscriptionOptions,
def reqScannerSubscription(
self, subscription: ScannerSubscription,
scannerSubscriptionOptions: List[TagValue] = [],
scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions: List[TagValue] = []) \
-> ScanDataList:
Subscribe to market scan data.
subscription: What to scan for.
scannerSubscriptionOptions: Unknown.
scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions: Unknown.
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
dataList = ScanDataList()
dataList.reqId = reqId
dataList.subscription = subscription
dataList.scannerSubscriptionOptions = scannerSubscriptionOptions or []
dataList.scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions = \
scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions or []
self.wrapper.startSubscription(reqId, dataList)
reqId, subscription, scannerSubscriptionOptions,
return dataList
def cancelScannerSubscription(self, dataList: ScanDataList):
Cancel market data subscription.
dataList: The scan data list that was obtained from
def reqScannerParameters(self) -> str:
Requests an XML list of scanner parameters.
This method is blocking.
return self._run(self.reqScannerParametersAsync())
def calculateImpliedVolatility(
self, contract: Contract,
optionPrice: float, underPrice: float,
implVolOptions: List[TagValue] = []) -> OptionComputation:
Calculate the volatility given the option price.
This method is blocking.
contract: Option contract.
optionPrice: Option price to use in calculation.
underPrice: Price of the underlier to use in calculation
implVolOptions: Unknown
return self._run(
contract, optionPrice, underPrice, implVolOptions))
def calculateOptionPrice(
self, contract: Contract,
volatility: float, underPrice: float,
optPrcOptions: List[TagValue] = []) -> OptionComputation:
Calculate the option price given the volatility.
This method is blocking.
contract: Option contract.
volatility: Option volatility to use in calculation.
underPrice: Price of the underlier to use in calculation
implVolOptions: Unknown
return self._run(
contract, volatility, underPrice, optPrcOptions))
def reqSecDefOptParams(
self, underlyingSymbol: str,
futFopExchange: str, underlyingSecType: str,
underlyingConId: int) -> List[OptionChain]:
Get the option chain.
This method is blocking.
underlyingSymbol: Symbol of underlier contract.
futFopExchange: Exchange (only for ``FuturesOption``, otherwise
leave blank).
underlyingSecType: The type of the underlying security, like
'STK' or 'FUT'.
underlyingConId: conId of the underlying contract.
return self._run(
underlyingSymbol, futFopExchange,
underlyingSecType, underlyingConId))
def exerciseOptions(
self, contract: Contract, exerciseAction: int,
exerciseQuantity: int, account: str, override: int):
Exercise an options contract.
contract: The option contract to be exercised.
* 1 = exercise the option
* 2 = let the option lapse
exerciseQuantity: Number of contracts to be exercised.
account: Destination account.
* 0 = no override
* 1 = override the system's natural action
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
reqId, contract, exerciseAction, exerciseQuantity,
account, override)
def reqNewsProviders(self) -> List[NewsProvider]:
Get a list of news providers.
This method is blocking.
return self._run(self.reqNewsProvidersAsync())
def reqNewsArticle(
self, providerCode: str, articleId: str,
newsArticleOptions: List[TagValue] = []) -> NewsArticle:
Get the body of a news article.
This method is blocking.
providerCode: Code indicating news provider, like 'BZ' or 'FLY'.
articleId: ID of the specific article.
newsArticleOptions: Unknown.
return self._run(
providerCode, articleId, newsArticleOptions))
def reqHistoricalNews(
self, conId: int, providerCodes: str,
startDateTime: Union[str, datetime.date],
endDateTime: Union[str, datetime.date],
totalResults: int,
historicalNewsOptions: List[TagValue] = []) \
-> HistoricalNews:
Get historical news headline.
This method is blocking.
conId: Search news articles for contract with this conId.
providerCodes: A '+'-separated list of provider codes, like
startDateTime: The (exclusive) start of the date range.
Can be given as a datetime.date or datetime.datetime,
or it can be given as a string in 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss' format.
If no timezone is given then the TWS login timezone is used.
endDateTime: The (inclusive) end of the date range.
Can be given as a datetime.date or datetime.datetime,
or it can be given as a string in 'yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss' format.
If no timezone is given then the TWS login timezone is used.
totalResults: Maximum number of headlines to fetch (300 max).
historicalNewsOptions: Unknown.
return self._run(
conId, providerCodes, startDateTime, endDateTime,
totalResults, historicalNewsOptions))
def reqNewsBulletins(self, allMessages: bool):
Subscribe to IB news bulletins.
allMessages: If True then fetch all messages for the day.
def cancelNewsBulletins(self):
"""Cancel subscription to IB news bulletins."""
def requestFA(self, faDataType: int):
Requests to change the FA configuration.
This method is blocking.
* 1 = Groups: Offer traders a way to create a group of
accounts and apply a single allocation method to all
accounts in the group.
* 2 = Profiles: Let you allocate shares on an
account-by-account basis using a predefined calculation
* 3 = Account Aliases: Let you easily identify the accounts
by meaningful names rather than account numbers.
return self._run(self.requestFAAsync(faDataType))
def replaceFA(self, faDataType: int, xml: str):
Replaces Financial Advisor's settings.
faDataType: See :meth:`.requestFA`.
xml: The XML-formatted configuration string.
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
self.client.replaceFA(reqId, faDataType, xml)
def reqWshEventData(self, data: WshEventData):
Request Wall Street Horizon event data.
:meth:`.reqWshMetaData` must have been called first before using this
data: Filters for selecting the corporate event data.
if self.wrapper.wshEventReqId:
self._logger.warning('reqWshEventData already active')
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
self.wrapper.wshEventReqId = reqId
self.client.reqWshEventData(reqId, data)
def cancelWshEventData(self):
"""Cancel active WHS event data."""
reqId = self.wrapper.wshEventReqId
if not reqId:
self._logger.warning('reqWshEventData not active')
self.wrapper.wshEventReqId = 0
def getWshEventData(self, data: WshEventData) -> str:
Blocking convenience method that returns the WSH event data as
a JSON string.
:meth:`.getWshMetaData` must have been called first before using this
Please note that a `Wall Street Horizon subscription
is required.
.. code-block:: python
# For IBM (with conId=8314) query the:
# - Earnings Dates (wshe_ed)
# - Board of Directors meetings (wshe_bod)
data = WshEventData(
filter = '''{
"country": "All",
"watchlist": ["8314"],
"limit_region": 10,
"limit": 10,
"wshe_ed": "true",
"wshe_bod": "true"
events = ib.getWshEventData(data)
return self._run(self.getWshEventDataAsync(data))
def reqUserInfo(self) -> str:
"""Get the White Branding ID of the user."""
return self._run(self.reqUserInfoAsync())
# now entering the parallel async universe
async def connectAsync(
self, host: str = '', port: int = 7497,
clientId: int = 1, timeout: Optional[float] = 4,
readonly: bool = False, account: str = '',
raiseSyncErrors: bool = False):
clientId = int(clientId)
self.wrapper.clientId = clientId
timeout = timeout or None
# establish API connection
await self.client.connectAsync(host, port, clientId, timeout)
# autobind manual orders
if clientId == 0:
accounts = self.client.getAccounts()
if not account and len(accounts) == 1:
account = accounts[0]
# prepare initializing requests
reqs: Dict = {} # name -> request
reqs['positions'] = self.reqPositionsAsync()
if not readonly:
reqs['open orders'] = self.reqOpenOrdersAsync()
if not readonly and self.client.serverVersion() >= 150:
reqs['completed orders'] = self.reqCompletedOrdersAsync(False)
if account:
reqs['account updates'] = self.reqAccountUpdatesAsync(account)
if len(accounts) <= self.MaxSyncedSubAccounts:
for acc in accounts:
reqs[f'account updates for {acc}'] = \
# run initializing requests concurrently and log if any times out
tasks = [
asyncio.wait_for(req, timeout)
for req in reqs.values()]
errors = []
resps = await asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)
for name, resp in zip(reqs, resps):
if isinstance(resp, asyncio.TimeoutError):
msg = f'{name} request timed out'
# the request for executions must come after all orders are in
await asyncio.wait_for(self.reqExecutionsAsync(), timeout)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
msg = 'executions request timed out'
if raiseSyncErrors and len(errors) > 0:
raise ConnectionError(errors)
# final check if socket is still ready
if not self.client.isReady():
raise ConnectionError(
'Socket connection broken while connecting')
self._logger.info('Synchronization complete')
except BaseException:
return self
async def qualifyContractsAsync(self, *contracts: Contract) \
-> List[Contract]:
detailsLists = await asyncio.gather(
*(self.reqContractDetailsAsync(c) for c in contracts))
result = []
for contract, detailsList in zip(contracts, detailsLists):
if not detailsList:
self._logger.warning(f'Unknown contract: {contract}')
elif len(detailsList) > 1:
possibles = [details.contract for details in detailsList]
f'Ambiguous contract: {contract}, '
f'possibles are {possibles}')
c = detailsList[0].contract
assert c
if contract.exchange == 'SMART':
# overwriting 'SMART' exchange can create invalid contract
c.exchange = contract.exchange
util.dataclassUpdate(contract, c)
return result
async def reqTickersAsync(
self, *contracts: Contract, regulatorySnapshot: bool = False) \
-> List[Ticker]:
futures = []
tickers = []
reqIds = []
for contract in contracts:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract)
ticker = self.wrapper.startTicker(reqId, contract, 'snapshot')
reqId, contract, '', True, regulatorySnapshot, [])
await asyncio.gather(*futures)
for ticker in tickers:
self.wrapper.endTicker(ticker, 'snapshot')
return tickers
def whatIfOrderAsync(self, contract: Contract, order: Order) \
-> Awaitable[OrderState]:
whatIfOrder = copy.copy(order)
whatIfOrder.whatIf = True
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract)
self.client.placeOrder(reqId, contract, whatIfOrder)
return future
def reqCurrentTimeAsync(self) -> Awaitable[datetime.datetime]:
future = self.wrapper.startReq('currentTime')
return future
def reqAccountUpdatesAsync(self, account: str) -> Awaitable[None]:
future = self.wrapper.startReq('accountValues')
self.client.reqAccountUpdates(True, account)
return future
def reqAccountUpdatesMultiAsync(
self, account: str, modelCode: str = '') -> Awaitable[None]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId)
self.client.reqAccountUpdatesMulti(reqId, account, modelCode, False)
return future
async def accountSummaryAsync(self, account: str = '') \
-> List[AccountValue]:
if not self.wrapper.acctSummary:
# loaded on demand since it takes ca. 250 ms
await self.reqAccountSummaryAsync()
if account:
return [v for v in self.wrapper.acctSummary.values()
if v.account == account]
return list(self.wrapper.acctSummary.values())
def reqAccountSummaryAsync(self) -> Awaitable[None]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId)
tags = (
self.client.reqAccountSummary(reqId, 'All', tags)
return future
def reqOpenOrdersAsync(self) -> Awaitable[List[Trade]]:
future = self.wrapper.startReq('openOrders')
return future
def reqAllOpenOrdersAsync(self) -> Awaitable[List[Trade]]:
future = self.wrapper.startReq('openOrders')
return future
def reqCompletedOrdersAsync(self, apiOnly: bool) -> Awaitable[List[Trade]]:
future = self.wrapper.startReq('completedOrders')
return future
def reqExecutionsAsync(
self, execFilter: Optional[ExecutionFilter] = None) \
-> Awaitable[List[Fill]]:
execFilter = execFilter or ExecutionFilter()
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId)
self.client.reqExecutions(reqId, execFilter)
return future
def reqPositionsAsync(self) -> Awaitable[List[Position]]:
future = self.wrapper.startReq('positions')
return future
def reqContractDetailsAsync(self, contract: Contract) \
-> Awaitable[List[ContractDetails]]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract)
self.client.reqContractDetails(reqId, contract)
return future
async def reqMatchingSymbolsAsync(self, pattern: str) \
-> Optional[List[ContractDescription]]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId)
self.client.reqMatchingSymbols(reqId, pattern)
await asyncio.wait_for(future, 4)
return future.result()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self._logger.error('reqMatchingSymbolsAsync: Timeout')
return None
async def reqMarketRuleAsync(
self, marketRuleId: int) -> Optional[List[PriceIncrement]]:
future = self.wrapper.startReq(f'marketRule-{marketRuleId}')
await asyncio.wait_for(future, 1)
return future.result()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self._logger.error('reqMarketRuleAsync: Timeout')
return None
async def reqHistoricalDataAsync(
self, contract: Contract,
endDateTime: Union[datetime.datetime, datetime.date, str, None],
durationStr: str, barSizeSetting: str,
whatToShow: str, useRTH: bool,
formatDate: int = 1, keepUpToDate: bool = False,
chartOptions: List[TagValue] = [], timeout: float = 60) \
-> BarDataList:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
bars = BarDataList()
bars.reqId = reqId
bars.contract = contract
bars.endDateTime = endDateTime
bars.durationStr = durationStr
bars.barSizeSetting = barSizeSetting
bars.whatToShow = whatToShow
bars.useRTH = useRTH
bars.formatDate = formatDate
bars.keepUpToDate = keepUpToDate
bars.chartOptions = chartOptions or []
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract, container=bars)
if keepUpToDate:
self.wrapper.startSubscription(reqId, bars, contract)
end = util.formatIBDatetime(endDateTime)
reqId, contract, end, durationStr, barSizeSetting,
whatToShow, useRTH, formatDate, keepUpToDate, chartOptions)
task = asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout) if timeout else future
await task
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self._logger.warning(f'reqHistoricalData: Timeout for {contract}')
return bars
def reqHistoricalScheduleAsync(
self, contract: Contract, numDays: int,
endDateTime: Union[
datetime.datetime, datetime.date, str, None] = '',
useRTH: bool = True) -> Awaitable[HistoricalSchedule]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract)
end = util.formatIBDatetime(endDateTime)
reqId, contract, end, f'{numDays} D', '1 day', 'SCHEDULE',
useRTH, 1, False, None)
return future
def reqHistoricalTicksAsync(
self, contract: Contract,
startDateTime: Union[str, datetime.date],
endDateTime: Union[str, datetime.date],
numberOfTicks: int, whatToShow: str, useRth: bool,
ignoreSize: bool = False,
miscOptions: List[TagValue] = []) -> Awaitable[List]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract)
start = util.formatIBDatetime(startDateTime)
end = util.formatIBDatetime(endDateTime)
reqId, contract, start, end, numberOfTicks, whatToShow, useRth,
ignoreSize, miscOptions)
return future
async def reqHeadTimeStampAsync(
self, contract: Contract, whatToShow: str,
useRTH: bool, formatDate: int) -> datetime.datetime:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract)
reqId, contract, whatToShow, useRTH, formatDate)
await future
return future.result()
def reqSmartComponentsAsync(self, bboExchange):
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId)
self.client.reqSmartComponents(reqId, bboExchange)
return future
def reqMktDepthExchangesAsync(self) \
-> Awaitable[List[DepthMktDataDescription]]:
future = self.wrapper.startReq('mktDepthExchanges')
return future
def reqHistogramDataAsync(
self, contract: Contract, useRTH: bool, period: str) \
-> Awaitable[List[HistogramData]]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract)
self.client.reqHistogramData(reqId, contract, useRTH, period)
return future
def reqFundamentalDataAsync(
self, contract: Contract, reportType: str,
fundamentalDataOptions: List[TagValue] = []) \
-> Awaitable[str]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract)
reqId, contract, reportType, fundamentalDataOptions)
return future
async def reqScannerDataAsync(
self, subscription: ScannerSubscription,
scannerSubscriptionOptions: List[TagValue] = [],
scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions: List[TagValue] = []) \
-> ScanDataList:
dataList = self.reqScannerSubscription(
subscription, scannerSubscriptionOptions or [],
scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions or [])
future = self.wrapper.startReq(dataList.reqId, container=dataList)
await future
return future.result()
def reqScannerParametersAsync(self) -> Awaitable[str]:
future = self.wrapper.startReq('scannerParams')
return future
async def calculateImpliedVolatilityAsync(
self, contract: Contract,
optionPrice: float, underPrice: float,
implVolOptions: List[TagValue] = []) \
-> Optional[OptionComputation]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract)
reqId, contract, optionPrice, underPrice, implVolOptions)
await asyncio.wait_for(future, 4)
return future.result()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self._logger.error('calculateImpliedVolatilityAsync: Timeout')
return None
async def calculateOptionPriceAsync(
self, contract: Contract,
volatility: float, underPrice: float,
optPrcOptions: List[TagValue] = []) -> Optional[OptionComputation]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId, contract)
reqId, contract, volatility, underPrice, optPrcOptions)
await asyncio.wait_for(future, 4)
return future.result()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self._logger.error('calculateOptionPriceAsync: Timeout')
return None
def reqSecDefOptParamsAsync(
self, underlyingSymbol: str,
futFopExchange: str, underlyingSecType: str,
underlyingConId: int) -> Awaitable[List[OptionChain]]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId)
reqId, underlyingSymbol, futFopExchange,
underlyingSecType, underlyingConId)
return future
def reqNewsProvidersAsync(self) -> Awaitable[List[NewsProvider]]:
future = self.wrapper.startReq('newsProviders')
return future
def reqNewsArticleAsync(
self, providerCode: str, articleId: str,
newsArticleOptions: List[TagValue] = []) \
-> Awaitable[NewsArticle]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId)
reqId, providerCode, articleId, newsArticleOptions)
return future
async def reqHistoricalNewsAsync(
self, conId: int, providerCodes: str,
startDateTime: Union[str, datetime.date],
endDateTime: Union[str, datetime.date],
totalResults: int,
historicalNewsOptions: List[TagValue] = []) \
-> Optional[HistoricalNews]:
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId)
start = util.formatIBDatetime(startDateTime)
end = util.formatIBDatetime(endDateTime)
reqId, conId, providerCodes, start, end,
totalResults, historicalNewsOptions)
await asyncio.wait_for(future, 4)
return future.result()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self._logger.error('reqHistoricalNewsAsync: Timeout')
return None
async def requestFAAsync(self, faDataType: int):
future = self.wrapper.startReq('requestFA')
await asyncio.wait_for(future, 4)
return future.result()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
self._logger.error('requestFAAsync: Timeout')
async def getWshEventDataAsync(self, data: WshEventData) -> str:
if self.wrapper.wshEventReqId:
future = self.wrapper.startReq(
self.wrapper.wshEventReqId, container='')
await future
return future.result()
def reqUserInfoAsync(self):
reqId = self.client.getReqId()
future = self.wrapper.startReq(reqId)
return future
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = util.getLoop()
ib = IB()
ib.connect('', 7497, clientId=1)