Source code for ib_insync.objects

"""Object hierarchy."""

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import date as date_, datetime
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union

from eventkit import Event

from .contract import Contract, ScanData, TagValue

nan = float('nan')

[docs] @dataclass class ScannerSubscription: numberOfRows: int = -1 instrument: str = '' locationCode: str = '' scanCode: str = '' abovePrice: float = UNSET_DOUBLE belowPrice: float = UNSET_DOUBLE aboveVolume: int = UNSET_INTEGER marketCapAbove: float = UNSET_DOUBLE marketCapBelow: float = UNSET_DOUBLE moodyRatingAbove: str = '' moodyRatingBelow: str = '' spRatingAbove: str = '' spRatingBelow: str = '' maturityDateAbove: str = '' maturityDateBelow: str = '' couponRateAbove: float = UNSET_DOUBLE couponRateBelow: float = UNSET_DOUBLE excludeConvertible: bool = False averageOptionVolumeAbove: int = UNSET_INTEGER scannerSettingPairs: str = '' stockTypeFilter: str = ''
[docs] @dataclass class SoftDollarTier: name: str = '' val: str = '' displayName: str = '' def __bool__(self): return bool( or self.val or self.displayName)
[docs] @dataclass class Execution: execId: str = '' time: datetime = field(default=EPOCH) acctNumber: str = '' exchange: str = '' side: str = '' shares: float = 0.0 price: float = 0.0 permId: int = 0 clientId: int = 0 orderId: int = 0 liquidation: int = 0 cumQty: float = 0.0 avgPrice: float = 0.0 orderRef: str = '' evRule: str = '' evMultiplier: float = 0.0 modelCode: str = '' lastLiquidity: int = 0 pendingPriceRevision: bool = False
[docs] @dataclass class CommissionReport: execId: str = '' commission: float = 0.0 currency: str = '' realizedPNL: float = 0.0 yield_: float = 0.0 yieldRedemptionDate: int = 0
[docs] @dataclass class ExecutionFilter: clientId: int = 0 acctCode: str = '' time: str = '' symbol: str = '' secType: str = '' exchange: str = '' side: str = ''
[docs] @dataclass class BarData: date: Union[date_, datetime] = EPOCH open: float = 0.0 high: float = 0.0 low: float = 0.0 close: float = 0.0 volume: float = 0 average: float = 0.0 barCount: int = 0
[docs] @dataclass class RealTimeBar: time: datetime = EPOCH endTime: int = -1 open_: float = 0.0 high: float = 0.0 low: float = 0.0 close: float = 0.0 volume: float = 0.0 wap: float = 0.0 count: int = 0
[docs] @dataclass class TickAttrib: canAutoExecute: bool = False pastLimit: bool = False preOpen: bool = False
[docs] @dataclass class TickAttribBidAsk: bidPastLow: bool = False askPastHigh: bool = False
[docs] @dataclass class TickAttribLast: pastLimit: bool = False unreported: bool = False
[docs] @dataclass class HistogramData: price: float = 0.0 count: int = 0
[docs] @dataclass class NewsProvider: code: str = '' name: str = ''
[docs] @dataclass class DepthMktDataDescription: exchange: str = '' secType: str = '' listingExch: str = '' serviceDataType: str = '' aggGroup: int = UNSET_INTEGER
[docs] @dataclass class PnL: account: str = '' modelCode: str = '' dailyPnL: float = nan unrealizedPnL: float = nan realizedPnL: float = nan
[docs] @dataclass class TradeLogEntry: time: datetime status: str = '' message: str = '' errorCode: int = 0
[docs] @dataclass class PnLSingle: account: str = '' modelCode: str = '' conId: int = 0 dailyPnL: float = nan unrealizedPnL: float = nan realizedPnL: float = nan position: int = 0 value: float = nan
[docs] @dataclass class HistoricalSession: startDateTime: str = '' endDateTime: str = '' refDate: str = ''
[docs] @dataclass class HistoricalSchedule: startDateTime: str = '' endDateTime: str = '' timeZone: str = '' sessions: List[HistoricalSession] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] @dataclass class WshEventData: conId: int = UNSET_INTEGER filter: str = '' fillWatchlist: bool = False fillPortfolio: bool = False fillCompetitors: bool = False startDate: str = '' endDate: str = '' totalLimit: int = UNSET_INTEGER
[docs] class AccountValue(NamedTuple): account: str tag: str value: str currency: str modelCode: str
[docs] class TickData(NamedTuple): time: datetime tickType: int price: float size: float
[docs] class HistoricalTick(NamedTuple): time: datetime price: float size: float
[docs] class HistoricalTickBidAsk(NamedTuple): time: datetime tickAttribBidAsk: TickAttribBidAsk priceBid: float priceAsk: float sizeBid: float sizeAsk: float
[docs] class HistoricalTickLast(NamedTuple): time: datetime tickAttribLast: TickAttribLast price: float size: float exchange: str specialConditions: str
[docs] class TickByTickAllLast(NamedTuple): tickType: int time: datetime price: float size: float tickAttribLast: TickAttribLast exchange: str specialConditions: str
[docs] class TickByTickBidAsk(NamedTuple): time: datetime bidPrice: float askPrice: float bidSize: float askSize: float tickAttribBidAsk: TickAttribBidAsk
[docs] class TickByTickMidPoint(NamedTuple): time: datetime midPoint: float
[docs] class MktDepthData(NamedTuple): time: datetime position: int marketMaker: str operation: int side: int price: float size: float
[docs] class DOMLevel(NamedTuple): price: float size: float marketMaker: str
[docs] class PriceIncrement(NamedTuple): lowEdge: float increment: float
[docs] class PortfolioItem(NamedTuple): contract: Contract position: float marketPrice: float marketValue: float averageCost: float unrealizedPNL: float realizedPNL: float account: str
[docs] class Position(NamedTuple): account: str contract: Contract position: float avgCost: float
[docs] class Fill(NamedTuple): contract: Contract execution: Execution commissionReport: CommissionReport time: datetime
[docs] class OptionComputation(NamedTuple): tickAttrib: int impliedVol: Optional[float] delta: Optional[float] optPrice: Optional[float] pvDividend: Optional[float] gamma: Optional[float] vega: Optional[float] theta: Optional[float] undPrice: Optional[float]
[docs] class OptionChain(NamedTuple): exchange: str underlyingConId: int tradingClass: str multiplier: str expirations: List[str] strikes: List[float]
[docs] class Dividends(NamedTuple): past12Months: Optional[float] next12Months: Optional[float] nextDate: Optional[date_] nextAmount: Optional[float]
[docs] class NewsArticle(NamedTuple): articleType: int articleText: str
[docs] class HistoricalNews(NamedTuple): time: datetime providerCode: str articleId: str headline: str
[docs] class NewsTick(NamedTuple): timeStamp: int providerCode: str articleId: str headline: str extraData: str
[docs] class NewsBulletin(NamedTuple): msgId: int msgType: int message: str origExchange: str
[docs] class FamilyCode(NamedTuple): accountID: str familyCodeStr: str
[docs] class SmartComponent(NamedTuple): bitNumber: int exchange: str exchangeLetter: str
[docs] class ConnectionStats(NamedTuple): startTime: float duration: float numBytesRecv: int numBytesSent: int numMsgRecv: int numMsgSent: int
[docs] class BarDataList(List[BarData]): """ List of :class:`.BarData` that also stores all request parameters. Events: * ``updateEvent`` (bars: :class:`.BarDataList`, hasNewBar: bool) """ reqId: int contract: Contract endDateTime: Union[datetime, date_, str, None] durationStr: str barSizeSetting: str whatToShow: str useRTH: bool formatDate: int keepUpToDate: bool chartOptions: List[TagValue] def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.updateEvent = Event('updateEvent') def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __hash__(self): return id(self)
[docs] class RealTimeBarList(List[RealTimeBar]): """ List of :class:`.RealTimeBar` that also stores all request parameters. Events: * ``updateEvent`` (bars: :class:`.RealTimeBarList`, hasNewBar: bool) """ reqId: int contract: Contract barSize: int whatToShow: str useRTH: bool realTimeBarsOptions: List[TagValue] def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.updateEvent = Event('updateEvent') def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __hash__(self): return id(self)
[docs] class ScanDataList(List[ScanData]): """ List of :class:`.ScanData` that also stores all request parameters. Events: * ``updateEvent`` (:class:`.ScanDataList`) """ reqId: int subscription: ScannerSubscription scannerSubscriptionOptions: List[TagValue] scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions: List[TagValue] def __init__(self, *args): super().__init__(*args) self.updateEvent = Event('updateEvent') def __eq__(self, other): return self is other def __hash__(self): return id(self)
[docs] class DynamicObject: def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) def __repr__(self): clsName = self.__class__.__name__ kwargs = ', '.join(f'{k}={v!r}' for k, v in self.__dict__.items()) return f'{clsName}({kwargs})'
[docs] class FundamentalRatios(DynamicObject): """ See: """ pass